Friday, September 2, 2011

CM Punk's hour of inside jokes and obscure references (NXT 9/21/10)

This is the best episode of NXT since Jericho did commentary. NXT A-show confirmed! It's like WWE made NXT a full blown show for the IWC at least commentary wise. Some of my favorite quotes: "I can do the splits as well" "There's gotta be a war somewhere that he's corresponding." "We have far too many open mics on this show" "No I never talked to my rookie." "Americans do armdrags" "Vintage Maxine" "Handshakes not enough buddy" "I didn't wanna hear you talk at all" "Hey is my gong out here?!" "What does this have to do with molars" "I give her a F for not staying on topic" "SPEAR! SPEAR! SPEAR! SPEAR!" Cole: "Punk, how can you concentrate on this match with Vicki standing in your line of sight?" Punk: "I know, she's so beautiful!" Matthews: "...WHAT!?" "I need some natural dynamite in my life" "I need subtitles" "I thought she had it." "You know it's funny, I'm not wearing pants and that's how I watch NXT every week!" "RIVETING ACTION YEAH!!!!" "yayyyy" "Lady Big Show" "Shut up Josh!" All rights Reserved by WWE No copyright infringement intended. All pictures and videos are copyright of the WWE and / or their respective owners. WWE Entertainment TM (c) 2010 All Rights Reserved

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